I LOVE the way you work….with good pace and efficiency, and such creativity!
Just one correction ...Everything else looks really good! Very professional. Once again, I wanted to laud your photo art; so many have already commented on the quality of the photo.
Thank you from the heart for a wonderful job in getting this done. Your photos are great, your flyer is terrific.
You made this not only doable, you made it something I felt comfortable with…..fun. We can use my words here to place on your website or wherever you want this, for your own promotion. That is if you want more work right now.
Annette Lorenz, Ed. D., C.Psych.
Clinical Psychologist
(excerpts from several emails)
When I served as President of a non-profit professional organization, I was advised to use the services of David Powell for a number of activities of our organization. In particular, he helped us design and disseminate our workshop brochures, he designed a database for our membership chair, and he established our list serve. In all of these activities, David has provided timely and cost-effective service, such that our board members were able to devote more time to their organizational duties and less to the above activities. As well, David has provided sound advice and helpful suggestions for improving our products. On top of all this, he has maintained a wonderful sense of humour while dealing with our many drafts of our products. I can recommend David, without reservation, to any non-profit organization involved in similar activities.
Sid Freedman, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Past-President, CSCH-OD
David has improved the effectiveness of our organization's documents and website immeasurably by ensuring consistency of branding and getting full value for the dollars invested.
W. E. Vickers
President, Business Advisory Group
David was an asset to my organization because he understood user needs and could relate to every problem or idea that I had. When he said he could deliver, he did. If he was not sure that he could, he said so. His ability to articulate technical terms and concepts to the user assisted us in our continual transition through progressive changes in IT. I also believe that his humour helped our users to relax and enjoy the technical world. His department had a reputation for excellence in customer service.
Dennis Fair, Director, Operations & Development Canadian Red Cross Toronto/Peel
I could always count on David to come up with proactive, practical, and cost-effective solutions to solve our IT and business requirements. His professionalism and ability to communicate solutions to non IT people sets him apart from any other IT Manager I have worked with. Basically, with David as our IT Manager, I was able to devote my time to the business and finance needs of the Organization, knowing full well that all of our IT needs were always being fully met.
Matthew Cook, CA. Director, Finance & Administration Canadian Red Cross
As the longest serving and most senior active member of our Group I am taking this liberty of writing to personally thank you for your wonderful efforts and results on our web site. In the past few weeks five (5) potential clients have found us through their internet/web site search. I know because the calls came to my toll free number and I was instrumental in getting them convinced and potentially booked by our coordinator(s).
Thank you again and best wishes for your continued success.
George Beyrouty, Entrepreneur, businessman and mentor.
Past President, Business Advisory Group
If you liked what others said about me, maybe I can do some work for you, and you can one day see your testimonials on this page. Please contact me by phone or e-mail.